David Jaycox, Jr. 

A lifetime passion; I immersed myself in the world of art as a student, an art director, and a professional artist. For 38 years I enjoyed the rewards of an advertising art director in New York City and was fortunate to work with many creative people. I was continually amazed and enlightened by the talent of so many artists and writers in our field. I also came to know that solid conceptual thinking is a necessary component of successful motivational art, whether focused on advertising solutions or fine art itself. I work primarily in watercolor and occasionally pastel. Watercolor has been seen as a difficult medium to master; however, I achieved my style through long experimentation and ultimate control of multiple color glazes.   Results have been exciting. Subject matter, depth, and three-dimensional qualities are enhanced by the natural translucence of watercolor. Realism is my goal since I believe the truth of that which we see can be shown powerfully and without bending its appearance. Each moment becomes its own allegory.